Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean. Shorter, more focused posts specialising in astronomy and data visualisation.

Friday 3 August 2018

I want air conditioning

Working in astronomy institute is nice and all but sometimes not even a TARDIS and some astronauts can save you from the heat.


  1. I don't understand how people can get anything done at 29°.

  2. Photographing clocks is about the limit of my current abilities.

  3. Rhys Taylor happy to report that temperatures have finally fallen here. Currently about 21. It's been far, far too hot for way too long.

  4. It just hit 30. Been like this for weeks and all the plants are dead.

  5. How unusual is it for the temperature to get that high in Prague?

  6. Shaun Griffith I actually contemplated one of those last year, but getting all the parts involves a surprising amount of trekking around in extreme heat, which is not fun. So I gave up. It currently looks like the hot weather may be about to subside, finally...

  7. David Lazarus It happens pretty much every year. One year it was 38 C, which was hell, but only for a day or so. This year the problem has been sustained night time temperatures above 20 C for several weeks, so everything stays permanently hot.

  8. Rhys Taylor - Mid 70s Fahrenheit at night isn't so bad, but I suppose it can be if you don't have A/C. I imagine you had A/C when you lived in PR?

  9. The problem is that the minimum of 21-23 C doesn't happen until about 5am, so there's no time or sufficient temperature difference for anything to cool down. Hence my flat stays at around 28 C all night. I survived the first year in Puerto Rico without home A/C and inside temperatures were regularly hitting 35... dunno how I managed that.

    Fortunately the temperature is finally starting to break and we're at least getting colder nights (15 C) now. With careful management of airflow, this means I can generally keep inside temperatures below 24 C, which is quite acceptable.

  10. Rhys Taylor - Do they sell window A/C units in Prague? It could pay to invest in one.

  11. They're not much of a thing here. I might consider a mobile unit plus a window seal, but I'm moving apartments so it may not be necessary.

  12. Rhys Taylor - That's cool. I'd ask where to, but I don't know the area anyway.


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