Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean. Shorter, more focused posts specialising in astronomy and data visualisation.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Hydrogen Sky above Arecibo, take 2

I realised that the first time I posted this, the hydrogen was only spanning about half the area of the sky that it should have been. Here's the correct version. And the relevant blog post for those who missed it is here.

Monday, 21 April 2014

Experimenting with anaglyphs : NGC 628 hydrogen data

Red-blue 3D glasses required, part two. The hydrogen content of NGC 628. The third axis is velocity, not distance - in reality the gas disc has about the same proportions of a DVD. But it looks more interesting in this view. :)

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Experimenting with anaglyphs : the Virgo cluster

Red-blue 3D glasses required for viewing. This is for use in a seminar in a couple of weeks. It's a schematic rendering of the Virgo cluster. The 3D effect works better than I expected, it's definitely better as an animation rather than a still.

The next challenge will be to produce one of an HI data cube, which is quite a lot more complicated. Hence I'm starting early and everything else is on hold (again).

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

The lonely little smurf

My third paper accepted !

It's about an isolated blue dwarf galaxy. Why the hell didn't I call it AGES VIII : The Lonely Little Smurf ?

A slightly worrying thought occurs that when paper VII is accepted I'll have written half of all the AGES papers...

Placeholder post intended to be replaced with a better summary.

Taking galaxies off life support

Very long-term readers may remember my anguished efforts  (almost a decade ago) to build a stable disc galaxy. Sweet summer child that I was...