I recently read a news article claiming that it's a myth that college students are all wokeist do-goodies. This it refuted quite sensibly by looking at the fraction of students who align with said wokeist do-goody policies. Fair enough.
But it also occurred to me that in some ways this is slicing things backwards. If you want to say that university life is or isn't dominated by the "woke", then it's perfectly correct. If, however, you want to understand why the popular image of the woke might fit a certain demographic, then it's the wrong way round. What you want to do in that case is analyse the fraction of those identified as woke, e.g. see if the woke are dominated by students, rather than the overall student population being political activists or whatnot. Because the numbers are small, it's entirely possible that only a few percent of students might be called woke, yet all the woke are bobble-hat wearing students.
Or, in other words : not everyone who voted for Brexit was a racist, but all racists voted for Brexit.
But that's more than enough politics for this blog. What it reminds me of is the statistical approach used by those who claim that there's a huge disagreement between observations and cosmological models of galaxy. It goes something like this :
- An observation is found which is intuitively unexpected.
- Simulations are used to assess how frequently such observations should actually occur, according to the particular model.
- The fraction found showing similarities to observations is low, and therefore the observations are proclaimed to be incompatible with the model.
This is a nice, intriguing result. But as usual, it would be premature to throw out the standard cosmological model just yet.
For example, one parameter they measure is the tangential velocity compared to the radial velocity, finding that this is in excess compared to expectations. Early authors claimed that such an excess happened in just 1.5% of the simulations, but this is problematic for two reasons : (1) they used pure dark matter, which doesn't have the massive baryonic galactic disc that can cause markedly different tidal effects; (2) it's using the wrong selection criteria - as above, why not look at those 1.5% which did show similarities, and see if those show any other similarities to the observations ? That would potentially be much more informative.
Furthermore, they cite other authors who postulated that maybe this is a survivorship bias. In this scenario, satellites on highly radial orbits are destroyed by the tidal effects of the parent galaxy. But they reject this hypothesis as the observable galaxies don't show the expected distance-based trend in tangential/radial velocity ratio, but I would (naively) assume destruction to be a highly non-linear process, so I'm not sure this is such a big problem.
Now one might expect that an encounter with another massive galaxy would play a huge role in the formation of its satellites. So they also select more advanced simulations, which do employ gas physics, containing pairs of giant galaxies resembling the Milky Way and M31. But they only have ten of these, so this already restricts the possibilities and doesn't let them select similar objects by design - which I think would be a much better approach. One should start by assuming that the mechanism for this velocity excess is unknown and see how the simulations reproduce it, not by seeing if any particular mechanism can explain the results or not.
It also seems strange to me that they don't try and use the orbits of the galaxies to try and constrain the mass of the Milky Way. While they say there are other reasons to prefer a smaller halo mass, this rapidly escalates in complexity. It definitely feels to me like there is a large aspect of personal preference at work. If you prefer the standard model, you could use the evidence to infer a large halo mass with some anomalies; if you don't, you could say there's a small halo mass with some different anomalies.
Finally, the elephant in the room is that the Milky Way's satellites are in a plane. Long-term readers will know that I'm deeply skeptical about claims for similar features around other galaxies, but that of the Milky Way is virtually certain. So knowing that its satellites are atypical in their positions, should we really expect them to be typical in other parameters ? Probably not.
All in all, it's an intriguing result. But as usual, I don't think it's anywhere near enough for the standard model to have anything much to worry about.