Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean. Shorter, more focused posts specialising in astronomy and data visualisation.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

This really isn't the law you're looking for

Remember how the good ol' radial acceleration relation was going to solve all problems in extragalactic physics ? No ? That's okay, it's been a while, so let's briefly recap.

Galaxies have some pretty odd dynamical relations, two of which I find particularly interesting. One is the oddly simple Tully Fisher relation. The TFR is the tight relation between rotation speed and baryonic (normal matter like gas and stars) mass content. That's not a problem in itself - things which spin faster are more massive, big whoop. What's odd is that theoretical predictions show it should have a lot more scatter than it does. The second weird relation is that there's a neat correlation between the "wiggles" in a rotation curve and the baryonic density, which is unexpected because the mass - and therefore rotation speed - should be dominated by dark matter, not the baryons.

Why is this interesting ? Well, the neat relations between baryons and their own dynamics suggest a direct connection between the two, and that (arguably !) doesn't fit well with the idea of dark matter at all.

To test this idea of a direct mass-velocity link, it'd be nice to have something more fundamental than either the TFR or wiggly rotation curves. Both are similar in that they're relations between mass and speed, just on different scales, but both are also subject to a host of implicit assumptions that have nothing much to do with gravity or dynamics. That's where the radial acceleration relation is supposed to come charging to the rescue.

It turns out that there's a neat relation between the observed acceleration and the expected acceleration due to visible baryonic matter. This relationship isn't linear, but it does appear to be pretty tight. It's been said quite often that this is the fundamental relation from which the TFR and wiggly curves can ultimately be derived.

This latest paper looks at the wiggly aspect. In short, it says, "actually no, this isn't what's making things all wiggly"*. And that could well be a problem for anyone trying to rid the universe of dark matter... but it also has problems for everyone else too. Everyone's a loser !

* Sadly not in these exact words.

The paper starts with the best introduction on the problem I've ever seen. According to the standard dark matter paradigm, galaxies of similar rotation speed should have rotation curves of very similar shapes. But as they show, they don't. Some galaxies do get it about right, but others, despite having the same outer rotation speed, can have curves which rise too quickly or too slowly, but in either case are well outside the standard model's predictions.

What could be going on here ? They note four possible explanations. (1) Since there's never very much dark matter in the innermost regions of galaxies, all the baryonic material slooshing about could be disrupting the dark matter there by dragging it around gravitationally, thus mucking up the rotation curves. (2) Or, more radically, dark matter could be self-interacting and so change its own distribution. (3) On the other hand it could be something as mundane as observational errors in extracting the true rotation velocity. (4) Finally, it could indeed be there's a more direct relationship between baryons and dynamics, as RAR enthusiasts generally seem to prefer because that would be extremely cool.

They investigate all these possibilities by using a whole suite of the latest all-singing, all-dancing, super high resolution simulations. And not just one specific model either, but four of the darn things (they also comment quite a lot on real observations, which is nice).


... but first, a word on terminology, because it's truly barbaric. As in the literal, original meaning of the word : "bar bar" nosies that don't make any sense. Galaxies which have slowly rising rotation curves are called "cored", because it looks like their inner dark matter has a fixed density within some "core" region. Those with curves matching theoretical expectations are deemed to be "cuspy" because the density continues to rise right down to the very centre (blowed if I know when "cusp" became a synonym of "spike"). And those which rotate too quickly in the centre don't have a special term at all, presumably due to racism or something.

Let's sort this mess out before we go any further. Sod convention, it's confusing because it's stupid. I shall use the following :

  • Galaxies with inner curves that rise too slowly, and therefore seem to lack dark matter in their centres, are to be known as "lazy buggers".
  • Galaxies with inner curves that match theoretical predictions I shall call "boring bastards".
  • Galaxies with inner curves that rise too quickly, so having more inner mass than expected, are to be known as "greedy bitches" (I ran out of profanities beginning with b, although at the time of writing Wikipedia assures me that "Brexiteer" is also vulgar slang).

Got that  ? Good.


1. It's due to the baryons doing funky things in the centre of galaxies

This doesn't work well at all. As they say, only (real, observed) galaxies with low overall baryon densities show slowly-rising rotation curves, but not all low density galaxies show this : some are perfectly normal, others rise too fast. Those with the slowest rises - the laziest buggers - imply they have the least inner dark matter, meaning they need the strongest movement of baryons (through supernovae and suchlike) to disturb it. That in turns means they should have the lowest overall baryonic density... but they don't. So baryonic density alone can't be the direct cause of these relations.

While we're at it, this also means that it the oddities can't simply be due to the sheer mass of baryons either - except for the greedy bitches. These, they say, are relatively easy to explain as being galaxies which have more inner baryons than normal, rather than there being anything weird about the dark matter (presumably they have the same central spike as the boring bastards, but with extra baryons thrown in as well). It's the lazy buggers which are the real problem.

What about simulations ? None of them are able to reproduce the full range of observed properties. Some do better than others, and it does depend on the resolution and the properties of star formation and feedback that's used. But in the end, it seems that either all simulated galaxies are lazy buggers or boring bastards (and I guess greedy bitches as well) : they can't get a mix of both.  Maybe there's a sweet spot if they were to fine-tune the simulations really carefully, but this wouldn't be a natural solution.

2. Dark matter is self-interacting

If dark matter could collide with itself, this would stop it from building a massive central spike. The problem is that this should lead to all galaxies becoming lazy buggers, and greedy bitches would be harder to explain : they'd have to have much stronger excesses of baryons than normal galaxies. And too many baryons means extremely high star formation activity, so the resulting supernovae and stellar winds should eventually prevent further baryonic infall. Worse, there are many greedy bitches which don't have many baryons, as well as lazy buggers which do have lots of baryons in their inner regions.

Using both analytic and numerical models, they quantify that this idea doesn't work. Oh, it can work, they say, if you very carefully choose the properties of the dark matter halos. But it's not at all likely to work given the distribution that naturally falls out of simulations. I'm not sure this is terribly convincing, given how many parameters there might be to play with for self-interacting dark matter, but never mind.

3. We're interpreting the velocities incorrectly

We infer dark matter by assuming that the measured velocities correspond to those of stable circular orbits. But maybe it's not as simple as that, since the orbits might not be neat circles - especially given the shape of the dark matter halo. That couldn't mean we've got the whole dark matter paradigm itself wrong, but it could mean we've interpreted the wiggly curves in a silly way.

They make mock observations from the simulations and this idea does seem to basically work. Individual galaxies could be completely misclassified according to the measurements, and it reproduces the scatter in the rotation curves very well. So this could indeed by a major contributing factor. What spoils this is that many lazy buggers show well-ordered velocity fields where non-circular motions don't seem very likely, and the fact that all lazy buggers are of low density - and there's no obvious reason, they say, why low density galaxies should be more prone to non-circular motions than dense ones. I'd have thought the lower density makes them more vulnerable to internal effects, but that needs a lot more examination. Anyway, this seems like the best bet so far.

4. It's an effect of the radial acceleration relation

The big one. This relation was touted as a "new law of physics", much to everyone's disgust, but it does have an appeal : it gets back to fundamental physics instead of all that wishy-washy baryonic stuff. As they say, if this is truly a law, you should be able to derive the rotation curve from baryon distribution alone.

(Of course, it isn't truly a law at all - it's a rather subtle effect of galaxy scaling relations, and is very well reproduced in perfectly normal simulations that use standard physics. But let's indulge the speculation for the sake of interest)

If that's true, then knowing the baryonic distribution for any galaxy, you should be able to predict if it has a wiggly curve of any type, from boring bastard to lazy bugger. Can you ? No, you can't. Using the RAR to predict the dynamical relations gets a much lower scatter than the observations. In particularly, baryon-rich lazy buggers should not exist according to the RAR, but they patently do.

Another issue is that RAR-enthusiasts have this tendency to plot the data with 2D histograms, so that more densely-populated regions on the expected-observed acceleration plot are more visible. This is good for discerning the possibly underlying trend, but it reduces the visible scatter. Here, they don't do this trick, and show the data as raw points. Although most galaxies do follow the trend well (rather better, I think, than the "only approximately" the authors state), it's clear the scatter is pretty large. And the outlying galaxies are, very clearly, all lazy buggers.

Couldn't we combine this with the the idea that the velocities have been misinterpreted ? In fact, we'd have to, since the RAR doesn't predict the observed deviations. But they say that if the same velocity measurements used to derive the RAR are deemed to be wrong, that would undermine the basis for the RAR in the first place - essentially, unjustly throwing away data points that don't fit the trend. At the very least, the RAR is quite definitely not enough by itself to explain things... if you're allowed to say that these galaxies have errors, you need some reason to say why these galaxies in particular and not the others.

What's both nice and frustrating about this paper is that they don't come to any firm conclusions. Practically any scenario could probably explain the trend with enough work, but none is entirely satisfactory. So something of a mystery remains, although to my mind the problem of interpreting the velocities looks by far the most promising.

As to their main point about RAR not being a law, this feels a bit like a highly ingenious way to say what we already knew : there's very high scatter at the low accelerations. Although I'm not at all convinced RAR is any kind of fundamental breakthrough, I don't think they here sufficiently explained why it couldn't be that the outliers had problems with their velocities. It's a really nice piece of work, but it left me scratching my head and going "hmmm" more than I would like.

Baryonic clues to the puzzling diversity of dwarf galaxy rotation curves

We use a compilation of disc galaxy rotation curves to assess the role of the luminous component ("baryons") in the rotation curve diversity problem. As in earlier work, we find that rotation curve shape correlates with baryonic surface density: high surface density galaxies have rapidly-rising rotation curves consistent with cuspy cold dark matter halos; slowly-rising rotation curves (characteristic of galaxies with inner mass deficits or "cores") occur only in low surface density galaxies.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Six strangely slowly spinning spacey starry systems

Remember those galaxies which were rotating weirdly slowly ? Of course you do. The damn things are bizarre.

We last saw these six little guys in a letter describing how they rotate so slowly that they deviate from the Tully-Fisher relation : their velocity is much slower than expected given their baryonic mass. They're not quite so slow that they lack dark matter, but they are slow enough that we've likely found all their baryons (in most galaxies, a large fraction is missing, usually thought to be very hot, thin gas). Unlike other cases, these are too isolated to be the result of galaxy-galaxy interactions and too far away for distance uncertainties to mess thing up. This latest paper is the follow-up full article to the original letter, wherein they show all their data and not just the sexy money plots.

These particular galaxies are extremely faint, fuzzy little "ultra diffuse galaxies". Since they're extremely faint, and also since the letter didn't show the full maps of each object, it's only natural to wonder if the inclination angle hadn't been computed incorrectly. If they're actually face-on, for instance, we wouldn't be able to measure their rotation speed at all. Similar claims have been made for much brighter galaxies that are spinning more slowly than expected.

Looking at their figures, first I thought, "ooh, they show ordered motions, so they're definitely rotating !", then I thought, "ahh but hang on, the gas is at totally different angle to the stars, so maybe the inclination angle is wrong after all", and then I noticed, "hey, that galaxy's rotation is going the wrong way !". Finally I did what I should have done from the start and read the blasted text. In short, I think this paper reasonably settles any concerns about the inclination angle measurements, though I won't say it's unquestionable.

There's not much doubt that these objects are rotating : one side is clearly at a different velocity to the other. And the velocity axis aligns very well with the morphological axis, except in one case where the resolution is a bit funky. This alignment, they say, means they can dismiss outflows or inflows. Although they don't have much resolution, they have enough to employ some fancy modelling software to extract the true rotation curves of the galaxies. They've tested this on similar simulated galaxies and it works well. And although the stars are all over the place, they point out that the gas in these galaxies is ten times or more massive than the stars, so it's the gas they should use for measuring inclination, not the stars.

Even so, I'm still a bit skeptical about three cases : one looks a bit disordered, one looks too close to face on for reliable measurements, and one is rotating in the wrong direction. The other three cases I'm satisfied with, but no matter how sophisticated the modelling is, I'd still be cautious.

They then compile other samples of galaxies to search for any other possible TFR-deviants. Besides their own sample, there's not much more than a hint of any deviation from the trend. This, as they note, is well-known oddity, since low surface brightness galaxies should deviate from the TFR but generally don't. In fact, so far there haven't been indications of any trend in those few galaxies which do deviate. Here, they find one : the greater the stellar scale length, the greater the deviation (restricting the sample to galaxies with the lowest rotation speeds).

The hell does that mean ? I don't know. They mutter something about the velocity-mass plane not being a well-defined distribution, but that doesn't clear anything up for me.

How do such objects form ? Buggered if I know. They note that the gas discs here are of normal size given their mass, so they're not of exceptionally low gas density. Obviously these particular UDGs can't be "failed" Milky Ways like some other UDGs are reputed to be, since their dark matter content is too low (perhaps the UDG label just doesn't have much physical relevance). Interestingly, if their gas density is normal, their stellar density is low, so stellar feedback may have been weak, preventing outflows from driving their gas away, resulting in these gas-rich, diffuse objects. But of course that doesn't really help explain much : what keeps star formation low in galaxies of normal gas density ?

Just about much dark matter they have remains to be seen. They say the objects are consistent with the average cosmological baryon fraction, meaning we've likely found all their baryons. In that case they'd have about ten times as much dark as visible matter, but this halo would have to be unusually diffuse. But they can't be sure, and given the available resolution, it's possible they actually have no dark matter at all. So higher resolution might yet pin down the little blighters. The research continues.

Robust HI kinematics of gas-rich ultra-diffuse galaxies: hints of a weak-feedback formation scenario

We study the gas kinematics of a sample of six isolated gas-rich low surface brightness galaxies, of the class called ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs). These galaxies have recently been shown to be outliers from the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation (BTFR), as they rotate much slower than expected given their baryonic mass, and to have baryon fractions similar to the cosmological mean.

Monday, 4 May 2020

Bringing wide open spaces indoors

My lockdown side-project is reaching the stage where I feel confident enough of finishing it that I can show what I've got so far.

Seven years ago (!) I made a model of Arecibo observatory, which became a pretty glass cube. Some time later this got heavily updated to the standards of having enough detail for a passable rendering (even if the materials were never that great) for a pre-rendered VR video. But wouldn't this be much cooler if it was an interactive game-like thing you could walk around in ? Answer : yes, yes it would.

After playing around with a few realtime data-based experiments of the amazing Blend4Web plugin, I decided it was time to take on the more laborious task of converting Arecibo to something people can explore for themselves. This is a lot more work than the previous experiments, which are largely a matter of tweaking Python scripts - essentially they're automatic except for some manual window-dressing. With Arecibo, everything has to be done manually.

A quick test proved that the plugin was easily capable of handling the mesh at an extremely high frame rate. But the materials were designed for the world of raytracing, and for various reasons they mostly look pretty horrendous in the realtime view. The easiest solution would be to remove them all and replace them with very simple plain colours, but this would look meh. So instead I learned about texture baking, which essentially does the rendering and stores the image on the mesh so it looks just like the rendered view but in real time.

Unfortunately this can't easily be scripted. Meshes have to have clean geometry and unwrapped in a reasonably decent way. Large parts of the mesh are, for reasons best known to my younger self, not clean at all. Large parts have had to be remodelled completely just so texture baking will work. Even then it isn't perfect, but I've decided that version 1.0 of Half Life Arecibo (working title) will be a quick(ish) learning experiment. For version 2 I'll learn the nice new materials available in Blender 2.8 and make everything look way better.

Anyway, screenshot time ! Here's the whole site. The landscape will be extended using a Blender plugin that automatically extracts textured terrain meshes from Google Earth (I actually already did that but I seem to have misplaced the landscape somewhere, as one does). The grey sky is what you see in Blender internally, although Blend4Web can replace this with something sensible.

The ground screen (that protects the beam from receiving the hot ground) was a particular challenge to re-texture. The baking isn't perfect, but I think it's probably good enough. The supporting struts do not yet have correct materials so they don't display nicely yet. 

The towers are all fully textured, though one of them has wrong material settings on the ladders and suchlike. Again, the cable materials are not yet correct.

The Gregorian dome was surprisingly easy to convert. For now, all textures are 4k resolution, even the really small objects, but this will probably change to save memory.

Having found a texture baking solution that generally works well, I was rather annoyed to find this method didn't work at all for the triangle. Then I found out the mesh has - lord knows why - far too many faces, so I completely remodelled it and it worked (there are a lot of minor defects, though I think they don't notice much). The same needs to be done for the azimuth arm. 

You can see a few rendering artifacts in a few places. These can probably be fixed, but for this first test I won't bother. In general they don't cause any serious problems.

Getting this building to work took up a good few hours and it still has some nasties. And the signs (not yet shown) are being particularly uncooperative. I don't know why this little shack is being such a pain, but I'll get there in the end.

That's for now. Most parts of the mesh are relatively straightforward. It's the few bits that don't work so easily that slow everything down. Still, if I can do a little bit every day, it shouldn't be too long before everyone can recreate Sean Bean's infamous death-by-telescope scene... well, maybe.

Nobody Ram Pressure Strips A Dwarf !

Very attentive readers may remember a paper from 2022 claiming, with considerable and extensive justification, to have detected a new class...